Thanks for visiting! I’m Ben, a certified Azure Developer, and I’m passionate about designing and developing software the right way. I’ve gone through many iterations of ‘best approach’ in the past 20 years and this has lead me into the world of cloud solutions. This is not just about taking systems and applications off premise but fully embracing the myriad (or quagmire?) of options available to us in order to deliver the best solution for our needs. That includes cost (both of development and maintenance), performance, scalability and integration with existing systems.
With so much just choose from, I’m using this blog to help me document some of the areas I’ve experienced within cloud development so that I can firstly remember what I did when I need to do something similar as well as hopeful engaging with the wider cloud community so as to receive as much guidance as I hope this blog might provide for others.
Please feel free to comment, correct, ask as necessary or just to get in touch!